Community Purse to Use Donations

Becky Weber | March 18, 2020 Community Purse Jefferson County Chapter received the February “Round Up” grant from Lake Mills Market. “I am thrilled we have the funds available to support all 17 of our (member-nominated) charities,” said Laura Pennington, Chapter President. After receiving the generous grant, Pennington deposited the $8,288.45 check into their National […]

Becky Weber | March 18, 2020

Community Purse Jefferson County Chapter received the February “Round Up” grant from Lake Mills Market.

“I am thrilled we have the funds available to support all 17 of our (member-nominated) charities,” said Laura Pennington, Chapter President.

After receiving the generous grant, Pennington deposited the $8,288.45 check into their National Christian Foundation donor-advised fund. NCF has helped mobilize $11 billion in dollars for 63,000 charities across the country and has offices in nearby Milwaukee and Chicago.

The Community Purse giving circle doesn’t help in just one area of need, rather, they help a variety of organizations across the community. From this fund, the giving circle will make grants to their 17 member-nominated nonprofits. Here is the current list of nonprofits for Jefferson County: Fort Atkinson Coalition for the Homeless, Cancer Coalition of Jefferson County, Adoration Abode, Veterans Foundation of Jefferson County, Manna Mondays, God Touch Ministry, Christmas Neighbors, Community Dental Clinic, Rock River Free Clinic, Lake Mills EMS, Dave Gallup Foundation, Haus of Peace, Food Pantry of Lake Mills, St. Vincent DePaul – Lake Mills, Crossroads House of Watertown, Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson County and Angels Among Us.

“At Community Purse, we know women want to make a difference in their communities but have limited time. Our giving circles, inspired by Christian values, provide a way to amplify donations and connect women with nonprofits to improve the lives of hurting people. Each chapter meets four times a year and is a fun ‘girls’ night out’ where smaller donations are pooled together to create a large grant,” Pennington said.

The Jefferson County Chapter was founded by Laura Pennington and has been meeting for three years. The quarterly meetings are in February, May, August and November at Sunshine Brewing Company. Each member commits to donating $50 per meeting and new members are always welcome. Learn more about joining this impactful group of women:
