Community Purse meetings usually hold some kind of surprise. Lately for the McHenry chapter, it has either been a landslide vote, or so close we have to count it twice. At another meeting last year, the head of the charity got sick and couldn’t make it and the last-minute person he sent, who had about a minute to prepare, brought the house down and created one of the landslides.
About a year and a half ago, our surprise was a couple that came to present for an organization dedicated to their daughter, lost to suicide. They were warm, funny, and sincere. They won the grant for that night, and after the meeting was over, the man of the couple, Jimmy, looked around and said, “This is so great. I want to join.” We laughed and said it was just for women. He said, “How come? I really want to join.” We all looked at each other, and shrugged, smiling. “We’ll see,” we told him, and talked to our powers that be.
As a result, voila! We have men!
It’s not actually raining men at this point. We have always had John at every meeting, the husband of our chapter director, who helps set up, takes all the pictures, and is the epitome of cheerful support. Now he has some company. Jimmy joined with his wife, and my friend Dean was next. They bring with them more than just help when something super heavy needs to be lifted or there is extra food to be eaten. Jimmy, sad to say, is lactose intolerant and doesn’t even get to enjoy our free pizza.
We just like them there. Dean has voted for the grant winner at every meeting he has attended, a record I can’t boast, and we talk about changing our name to “Community Murse,” which won’t happen, but it’s fun to joke about. We hope to add more menfolk as we go along. What we do is so cool, it’s catchy. From Jimmy then to more men now, there’s no reason to limit the fun to be had when we all gather to hear about and bless some of the amazing work being done in our communities, often for the most marginalized among us.
We are putting out a virtual sign: Men Wanted!
Any age, any size – big heart required, and a liking for pizza doesn’t hurt.
By Shannon Plate
McHenry County Chapter